C12 Chair since 2008
Territory Served
Three years before I knew there was a C12 Group, I sensed God was leading me to serve in this capacity. Throughout my career, I’ve enjoyed helping owners and CEOs, whether through products/services offered by my company or by connecting peers with common agendas. I’ve always been intrigued by leaders’ stories and the dreams they hold.
More than twenty years ago, I learned what it was to feel – to own my emotions. I discovered that vulnerability not only made me more approachable, but it invited transparency in those with whom I was meeting. Like me, I discovered many find it lonely at the top but are not inclined to openly share and explore. But, if deemed safe, it is from that realm of gut-level honesty that real growth is possible.
In June of 2008 I participated in my first meeting of a C12 group and felt God was calling me to bring this to Greater Philadelphia. In September/08, in the early days of an extremely challenging business climate, C12 Philadelphia held its inaugural meeting.
God motivates us to excellence and diligence in all things; He doesn’t do mediocre. All He creates – everything He touches is excellent. It’s the same with everything He wants to do in and through us as leaders, as individuals. Excellence brings God glory. When He leads through us, He wants nothing but more of the same.
My training as a mentor/coach/spiritual advisor comes from 31 years in software and services and an ever advancing (read as “3 steps forward and 1 or 2 back”) walk with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My passions are sales, marketing, strategy and people. I ask a lot of questions to understand a leader’s motives and where their vulnerabilities lie. My joy is helping owners and CEOs see themselves as the steward of God’s business; the perspective from which the greatest “return” can be achieved.
I’ve been blessed to walk through life since 1982 with Sherry as my bride. We live in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania and worship at LCBC Church (Lives Changed by Christ). We love any time we have with our “little girl,” Jessica, and her husband Sean, who are in the Philadelphia area. And we often visit with our son, Jason, and his wife, Marsha in Redmond, WA; more virtually than physically.
More than twenty years ago, I learned what it was to feel – to own my emotions. I discovered that vulnerability not only made me more approachable, but it invited transparency in those with whom I was meeting. Like me, I discovered many find it lonely at the top but are not inclined to openly share and explore. But, if deemed safe, it is from that realm of gut-level honesty that real growth is possible.
In June of 2008 I participated in my first meeting of a C12 group and felt God was calling me to bring this to Greater Philadelphia. In September/08, in the early days of an extremely challenging business climate, C12 Philadelphia held its inaugural meeting.
God motivates us to excellence and diligence in all things; He doesn’t do mediocre. All He creates – everything He touches is excellent. It’s the same with everything He wants to do in and through us as leaders, as individuals. Excellence brings God glory. When He leads through us, He wants nothing but more of the same.
My training as a mentor/coach/spiritual advisor comes from 31 years in software and services and an ever advancing (read as “3 steps forward and 1 or 2 back”) walk with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My passions are sales, marketing, strategy and people. I ask a lot of questions to understand a leader’s motives and where their vulnerabilities lie. My joy is helping owners and CEOs see themselves as the steward of God’s business; the perspective from which the greatest “return” can be achieved.
I’ve been blessed to walk through life since 1982 with Sherry as my bride. We live in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania and worship at LCBC Church (Lives Changed by Christ). We love any time we have with our “little girl,” Jessica, and her husband Sean, who are in the Philadelphia area. And we often visit with our son, Jason, and his wife, Marsha in Redmond, WA; more virtually than physically.