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Learn About The C12 Experience

Join thousands of CEOs, faith-driven entrepreneurs, and executives encouraging and collaborating with one another monthly in local C12 Business Forums.

With 3,500+ members globally, including many Faith Driven Entrepreneur leaders, C12 is leading CEOs to operate their businesses as ministries.

Results matter. Our format incorporates solid planning disciplines, agile frameworks, and peer counsel into a framework that anchors plans in a resilient, vision-driven scorecard. But, C12 is more like an ongoing fitness program for growth-minded leaders rather than an emergency room. It’s an investment into perpetual improvement. 

C12 Insights

Watch these videos to learn a little bit about C12, its impact on business, communities, and its ongoing mission.

Experiencing C12

Find a like-minded group of peers near you. When surrounded by trusted advisors with a common goal, a similar worldview, and biblical principles as the foundation for all decisions, you can maximize both performance and kingdom impact.

We know leaders limit their potential when they lead from isolation. But, when surrounded by trusted advisors with a common goal and a biblical worldview, they can maximize performance and energize cultures. With faith as the foundation, this powerful group of peers meets in exclusive, confidential forums to have their questions answered and their answers questioned.

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We’re searching for marketplace leaders to facilitate C12 Business Forums in hundreds of cities in the US and across the globe.

If you have experienced business success and want to help Christ-centered companies impact the marketplace, becoming a C12 Chair could be your next move.

A Chair Testimonial: The Impact of Being a C12 Chair

Are You a Leader of Leaders?

Learn more about what it means to build a great business for a greater purpose as a C12 Chair. Attend one of our monthly webinars where you can hear live from our CEO with a Q&A session.