C12’s Strategic Planning Guide
A Five-Step Process for Strategic Planning
The discipline of strategic planning is not a project to complete but an ongoing process to sustain year after year. It is like a muscle that will grow over time if exercised. Each year, we can strengthen our efforts and become more proficient in different aspects of the planning process.
C12’s Strategic Planning Guide organizes strategic planning into a five-step annual process useful for both novice and veteran planners to maximize strategic planning efforts. The systematic method, exercises, and discussion questions work together to equip Christian business leaders for a one-day or multiday planning retreat with their leadership teams.
Effective stewardship, aligned with BaaM (Business as a Ministry) principles, requires that we engage in strategic planning. Whether we are veteran planners or novices, we can craft strategic plans and execute them, all with the goal of building great businesses for a greater purpose.
Download C12’s Strategic Planning Guide to begin your strategic planning today.