Kingdom Leader

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Kingdom Leader

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Rick Betenbough, who founded one of the most prolific home-building companies in West Texas, shares a framework for how any Kingdom business that plans to produce Kingdom fruit must first begin with a leader who is fully surrendered to God.


Rick Betenbough

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Rick Betenbough

Rick Betenbough

Rick Betenbough co-founded Betenbough Homes in 1992 with a vision to use fanatical cost control and “out-of-the-box” organizational systems to become the price leader for new brick homes in Lubbock, Texas. He now serves as the CEO of Betenbough Companies, PBC, which is organized as a Texas Public Benefit Corporation and is 100% employee owned. To date, Betenbough Homes has built more than 12,000 homes allover West Texas.Through Kingdom at Work, Rick and the other leaders of the Betenbough Companies are actively sharing their experiences and lessons from 27 years of leading a Kingdom business in the marketplace. Rick loves to help otherKingdom-minded leaders and entrepreneurs while walking his daily journey beside his childhood sweetheart, Holly.