C12 Chair since 2024

Territory Served

With a 15-year solid background in the field of Finance and Pensions, he has acquired valuable experience, enriched by an academic background in Business Administration and Theology, a postgraduate degree in Finance, an MBA in Closed Supplementary Pensions and an MBA in Personal and Family Financial Planning, as well as dual certification with an emphasis on administration and investments, recognized by the ICSS and CPA-20 certification by ANBIMA, which has allowed him to work as an Investment, Pensions and Finance Consultant. He currently has leadership roles as CEO of C12 Brasil and President of the Mais Futuro Pension Fund.  He is a member of Technical Commissions, Committees and Councils in the areas of Pensions, Economics and Finance and Director of the Paraná Administrators’ Union, which has solidified his position as a reference in the segment. In addition to his professional commitment, he is passionate about Financial and Pension Education, sharing his knowledge as a speaker and guest commentator in various media, podcasts, events, schools and churches in Brazil and abroad. He also teaches postgraduate and MBA courses at two universities, sharing his knowledge and experience with students and professionals in training, contributing to the growth of the financial and pension sector.

Beyond the professional environment, together with his wife, they have served as Pastors for 5 years. Married for 15 years and blessed with two children, they love and value family time, making it their first ministry. They feel called by God to this area, which is why they started the Family 4.12 YouTube channel, where they share Christian content on family issues. They also actively participate in social and community initiatives, seeking to make a difference in people’s lives beyond the professional sphere, putting God above all things and making Jesus known through their lives.