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Caring for Employees During Financial Hardships

Looking for Opportunities Picture this: Your HR leader bursts into your office. “Maria was in a ...

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The CEO’s Step-by-Step Guide for Your Next Strategic Planning Offsite

An annual strategic planning process is an essential practice for every business. Throughout the annual strategic ...

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The Seductive Lies of Kingdom Investing

A Story With Moral Guidance in Business as a Ministry By Mike Sharrow In 2001, a ...

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The Pruning Principle: How Necessary Endings Lead to Business Growth

Developing the Healthy Practice of Business Pruning A beautiful garden requires a gardener with a strong ...

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Business as a Ministry: Calculated Risks, Eternal Rewards

All Christian CEOs and business owners eventually wrestle with the concept of stewardship. If we believe ...

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Navigating the S-Curve in Your Business

How to Recognize and Prepare for Strategic Inflection Points Strategic inflection points. They come to every ...

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5 Steps to Decrease Employee Turnover

Reducing employee turnover and increasing employee retention are top priorities for every business owner. While some ...

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Using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Measure the Ministry Impact of Your Business

As business leaders, we know the importance of measurement. We track revenue and sales numbers on ...

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Tools for Year-end Reflection & Alignment for Christian CEOs

So easily the end of one year can merge seamlessly with the start of another—the finish ...

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