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Finding Alignment through Pay for Performance
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The ability to unleash our organization’s full potential hinges on our ability to establish alignment between our daily performance and how it contributes to the overall success of the company. Learn how Seegars Fence Company adopted a Pay-for-Performance bonus program that established clarity on what every team member needs to do each day to drive bottom-line results as well as implement an objective and transparent method for feedback.

Ben Seegars
In 2000, Ben started working full-time as the third generation in the family business, Seegars Fence Company, founded in 1949. Ben served as the company’s vice president through 2016 and was greatly impacted by two significant occurrences. The more impactful was joining C12 in 2011 and realizing God’s call on his life to steward and lead this company. The second was a C12 seminar held in 2012 that set in motion one of the greatest programs Seegars has implemented to date and that has enabled his team to grow and succeed at a level they had only dreamed about. Ben assumed the role of president and CEO in January of 2017.